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Glendon College

Glendon College

awareness campaign


the issue:

There is little awareness of Glendon College at York University, in addition to a common misperception that the campus has a siloed, French-language focus. As such, students hadn’t been showing enough interest or consideration in attending Glendon which resulted in a decline of applications and enrollment.


the truth:

Glendon College offers a unique, immersive, and personalized post-secondary experience that stands out by preparing students for an increasingly global workforce.


the approach:

Conduct a social media campaign that raises awareness of the distinct features and benefits of Glendon College to elevate the perception of the campus. We wanted to ensure prospective students would be well-informed, by communicating how Glendon College is an exceptional institution offering a tight-knit community with a spotlight on language and diversity. A digital media campaign supported by online video helped us reach graduating high school students and their parents, in an effort to encourage registrations for a campus Open House event to help increase enrollment.


the results:

  • Over 2 million completed video views throughout the duration of the campaign
  • The campaign exceeded projected impressions by almost 50% from aiding awareness.
  • Open House registrations increased by 69% from the previous year